seinLive Translations
By old hands and high-tech foxes who passionately find perfect high-speed solutions for you in language gardens and lofts, language forests and oceans and in the language barn.
For you, we flow through veins, optical fibres, dive into tunnels and oceans.
How? Quite simply: Listening and understanding. With heart and expertise. A dash of madness is inspiringly helpful to us.
We give you what you need, turnkey ready, from a single source. Gladly.
Written translation
The art of language and the silent power of words
You choose the text, language, tone and desired format. From internal draft to proofread version and ready to print.
Also online.
We don't loaf around, we deliver.
Virtual reality and real virtuality – craftsmanship meets high tech.
Our CAT (computer assisted translation) tools help us build valuable knowledge for you.
We seamlessly maintain your CI/CD and relevant key words for the search engines:
Artificial intelligence kisses human craftsmanship, heart and intuition.
Machines translate cheaply and quickly. Humans check the translations.
With our knowledge, feeling and intuition. Intelligently combined, together we are an unbeatable team.
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We look forward to seeing you!